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12th August, 2021 International Symposium: "Social Transformation and Forests" to Build a Sustainable Society

2021年8月12日  国際シンポジウム:持続可能な社会を構築するための「社会変革と森林」

At the international symposium, which will be held on October 15th (Friday), co-sponsored by the INNOFES project, why "social change" is indispensable and what can be done in order to protect forests/landscapes and their indispensable contributions to people (ecosystem services). Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform (IPBES) Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (2019) Chapter 5 Collaborative Leading author Kai Chan (Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada) and the former Assistant Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Mr. Hiroto Mitsugi, will give keynote speeches. Other speakers will be Lorenz Poggendorff (Associate Professor, Department of International Tourism, Toyo University), Yasuko Inoue (Forestry Research Institute, Biodiversity and Climate Change Research Center/REDD Plus, Overseas Forest Disaster Prevention Research and Development Center), Ms. Salanieta Tuisuva (Lecturer, Fiji National University), and Moderator is Shingo Shibata, Professor of Satoshi University. The application is scheduled to be released from September 1st on the Sophia University event site (




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